Sunday, 4 October 2015

Organisation: Casting


I will take the role of the protagonist. This is because I believe I have the most understanding of what I want from this video. I have dark brown hair, which will most likely be dyed for the filming of this video.

2nd Actress:

I am using a colleague as the love interest in this music video. This is because she is blonde, which will help to emphasise the way the protagonist views her as positive, as yellow often has connotations with the sun which brings light. She is also fair-skinned (white). This will contrast well with my costume as it will be mostly black, and I will dye my hair black, which will use Levi-Straus' theory binary opposites in narratives.

Supporting Cast:

The supporting cast will hopefully be of a range of ages and races, and will definitely consist of both genders. Although it is likely they will all be English-born, I want a large amount of skin tones to mimic the ways in which people in different countries connect to each other through social media.


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