Friday, 4 December 2015

Organisation: Filming update.

Unfortunately, one of my supporting actors had to cancel filming on the 28th of November, so at the moment I am slightly behind. This will most likely be re-shot later in december, or in the Christmas holidays if I am delayed further.

In addition to this, the red tree which I filmed some of my original footage in front of had lost its leaves now, so to solve this issue I am getting my 2nd actress to wear a red coat so the colour saturation is still effective.

However, on the whole I am almost finished filming all of my footage.

Next I need to film my bathroom scene, footage of traffic, the path scene, my happy bedroom scene and a few more lip sync scenes with supporting actors. I also need to film some footage of me and my 2nd actress texting eachother.

My bathroom scene will probably filmed last, as a tri-pod will not be needed for this scene (I have borrowed a tri-pod from school), because the scene will be done steadi-cam style to demonstrate drunkenness. This scene will be done in high key lighting and will have distorted effects added onto it to enhance the 'drunk' feeling of this scene.

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